Just an update.
Some of you may be curious what the men voted as their favorite flower (referring to my blog with the slide show of the flower paintings)...before I wrote this blog, the men among my friends voted for the Sunflower.
But the male bloggers at this blog don't have a unanimous choice. How interesting! What does this say, or rather, what does this mean?
This could be a nice little research project, for someone who needs one for a class in Research Design, to see which variables determine the choice of a favorite flower.
Don't point at me, I did one, and it was the last one, LOL.
All that research like that would do is show how many people were right (i.e chose the same as me) and how many were wrong!
I was more thinking in the following direction: all participants take a personality test, and results showing something like: introvert males tend to choose.....as their favorite, extravert males tend to choose...., or all participants take the Taylor-Johnson, so the results would look like: people who choose an engineering field tend to choose....as their favorite flower, etc.
There could be some interesting findings in it for artists in knowing how and which people to market their art to.
I found you! Whenever you visit my blog and write a comment, I want to thank you on your own blog. But when I click on your name I can't come on your blog. Thank you for your comment. Yes I also like those old towns and villages where time "stood still" as we say in the Netherlands.
I wish you too a very great week.
Hi, i wonder if (when you) "follow" my blog makes it easier to get back to my blog?
On the dashboard of your blog it says on the left side: blogs and on the bottom "add" and "manage."
When you click on "add", type in my URL:
That makes you a "follower" of my blog.
Or, all the blogs that are following you (I am one of them), show up on the right bottom side of your dashboard when they write an article(heading is: items). When you click on that pic, or my name I hope it will take you to my blog.
Let me know how it goes, maybe I need to change some setting on my blog! Thanks so much for trying :) jeannette
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