Right now I've come to the point that I actually am talking to my blog. I probably delete this post the next day, because I'm really beginning to sound like a "groupie", and embarressed, because It's showing the beginning of my addiction. Of course, unless I get 22 comments - I live for them!
Anyway, today is a happy day, even though it's cloudy, and I am on-line - have been on-line on and off since I woke up. On and off, because I am trying out my new washer and dryer. I am happy as a clam, because I can tell it does a much better job than our old ones.
My hubby is in the peculiar position that some of his rich customers invite him to their 2nd house to install or do something at their house, and then host us at the same time in the weekend. That's how I ended up in a light blue jogging suit in a restaurant where everyone was dressed to the max in gold and red (even the men) on Valentine's Day.
Not to mention my increasing embarrassment, when I saw on the menu that the dishes started at $20. Just to give you a glimpse at what kind of a restaurant I was. Although our host reserved too late, our party was squeezed in-between, because they had just been there the week before. When we left the restaurant, of course, they gave the women a deep red, long stemmed rose.
Back to the washer and dryer. That was one of the reasons that we were at this couple's house. My hubby had to install the new ones. The old ones went to a relative, who did not respond, so after my hubby mentioned that we could use it, they gave it to us.
Now yesterday I just read a rant of someone blaming the rich for the state of the nation, and that the only thing the rich wanted is to put us back in the dirt like a worm, where we belong.
I think that's a bit generalized. For 20 years my hubby has worked for the mega-rich, and only twice he told me of stuck-up people. Regularly, he comes home with cookies that they baked, tickets for a ball game they couldn't use, or furniture, always several bottles of wine with Christmas and other presents.
Of course, they can afford it, but they talk with my hubby about their family members, about their physical ailments, their worries of the economy, having to lay off workers, etc. - very intimate and private things. To me, they are just people, like you and I.
See where I am now? My rambles get longer and longer, so I go off now, putting in my next laundry load :).
Hi Jeanette, I like this post and your rambles, more like a stream of consciousness. Thanks for your comment on my Rwanda /colonialism post. I am referring to it here as Idon't know if you will be notified if I respond on the post itself. (I usually subscribe to follow up comments when I comment on a post but don't know if everyone does this!) As for the rich, there are ethical wealthy and those who ride roughshod over the less well-off. See my latest post for a rambling rant at the state of the nation right now in Ireland as it affects the workers!
You are a really talented artist and very lucky to have such skill. keep sharing it!
Its perfectly normal to talk to your blog!
Isn't it??
Oh dear.
Jeanette honey there are worse things than talking to your blog. Hey, sometimes mine talks back like, hello and goodbye.People with money are still people, they just have an easier time paying the bills than some!
It was not your blog I was referring to - I hope you know that :) I know you addressed the rich, and agree with you that there are immoral rich (like we have immoral poor in the world) and the ethically rich.
The ones in Africa - I only know what the media gives us, but I am deeply disturbed about the genocides. With Ireland, I don't understand it too well - in history, were the rich the Catholics or the Protestants?
Somewhere I thought that it began with a religious conflict? Anyway, maybe you can explain it to me in a simple way sometime (at your convenience) - goodtalking2ya!
Thanks for reassurance...I quess it's similar as talking to plants, I hope :) although some people are convinced that it makes them grow!
You're right, there are worse things - some of it may also be a cultural lefover of my background - the Dutch are a lot more silent and reserved than the Americans. I chuckled at your comment about the rich having an easier time to pay the bills - but then, some have responsibilities that I would not want to have.
I talk to my blog too...well, ok, I *yell* at it mostly! hehe
And people are people..rich or poor, there's always going to be both good and bad. :-)
Brym, thank you for that confessional :)
you are right,people are just people, but sometimes it's hard to know who of the 2 you have in front of you- have a good weekend.
You mean there are people who don't talk to their blog? Ramble away!
until now I didn't! (talk to my blog) LOL
and I don't wanna say something I might regret later - when a word is spoken , one can't take it back-it's out there...
how are you doing? Haven't seen any blogs of you lately - maybe I'll have to check if you're on my blogroll...
that's a fbulous way to get a new washer and dryer, and basically, anybody be can snooty or rude--poor or rich!
In the beginning og my blogging period in 2005, my blog talked to me and warned more often than not, that something was seriously wrong and that I had to shut down the system immediately or else... I didn't even wait and shut down my computer. Now I ignore the thing most of the time and go on doing what I want. Your watercolour is perfect! Have a great week.
Hi Jeannette! Lovely Paintings!!!! Thanks SO much for popping over!! I hope you visit Often! I painted as a kid...Your's are Gorgeous!! Adding you to my blogroll...I don't want to miss a thing...Happy day sweetie!hughugs
Hi- thanks for poping over.
We are all people at the end of the day. It's hard to blame your problems on someone who has more than you do. It's all about choice. I know making pots will never get me rich, but it is the choice I made.
Love the painting-
I love flowers, that's why I stayed on your blog for a while :) - I love it!
one of the regrets I had is that I took a hiatus of more than 20 years from art - but I'm glad I picked it back up! Thank you for following me!
thanks for visitng me - yes, I've made my choices too and I'm happy with it - I've got to say, after I saw whynotpottery - sooo beautiful, I felt taking a pottery or sculpture class (to learn armature-spelling?, and so on) - I miss the 3-dimensional once in a while!
Gary, yes, I am blessed with a Maytag - most of the time it is worth to go the extra mile, whatever one's job is :) Hope the parts for your kiln comes in soon -I love that mint-green glaze!
Reader Wil,
I admire your courage to learn all those computer things and blog things at your age (petje af, mevrouw!) -
I laughed reading your comment, because that is how I was with the computer in the beginning - now I just call one of my kids to see what can be done - a good thing about kids when they are adults - now they can help me, LOL
Hello Jeanette. I think most of the time it is how you treat people first as to how they will respond to you. Being a tour guide for so many years, I have met people from all walks of life. If you just show the slightest interest in anyone, even if it is just a smile, the response back is positive. A lovely painting too. I don't have an artistic bone in my body. LOL!!
Talking about artistic bones - so what do you call your photographs?? wouldn't you call it artistry? (or do you in South Africa only call painting: art? and not music, sculpting, etc. art? - just checking if there are semantic differences).
I am amazed at all the wise and mature responses I get on this journal about "people" - I am happy I choose the right people to befriend (the rant I wrote about above, was while I was looking for more interesting blogs).
Hi Jeanette. You are right, we do call that art too, but I do not classify photography in there as all we do it just take a picture. Not like a painter, dancer, musician etc. I must admit though that you do have to have an eye for the right picture at the right time, but I think it is more luck. There are people who post fantastic pictures on the blogs, but to me it is just an interpretation of an event, We do the easy stuff!! LOL!!
There are some very interesting blogs about but it does depend on your interests. If you are looking for things on art, maybe this link will help you:
I did a quick search on "art painting" and came up with quite a few blog adresses.
I am posting this just to make it 22 Jeanette. LOL!!
People are the most fascinating subjects on earth. Each one is so unique and individual. Amost as interesting as insects, bugs, butterflies. etc.
Continue to ramble, that is what we are here for. LOL!! After all, no one has to read it if they don't want to. LOL!!
Thank you for making it 22, Joan - now I can't erase this post, cause I'll have some friends peeved at me LOL
I like how you put that, that people are almost as interesting as bugs, butterflies, etc. :)
I do understand it though - one time we came back from vacation without the kids, and my (then) 7-year old son told me all the dogs he had seen in the neighborhood and at which houses. Upon which I asked him, "And did you see any people while we were gone?" He shrugged his shoulders!
Thank you for your kindness and looking that up for me - you do like people, don't you?
but I still do not believe you don't have any art in your bones - there are beginners artists (because they don't develop their inclinations) and the ones that practiced, dreamed, and ate art till they saw blue in the face (that would be me) - now I'll go off to bed, my dear friend (it's 1 am)
People are people are people: good, bad, and mostly both. Oh, aren't I all wise? I do love your watercolor. Very nice!
Hi Patience,
yes you are all-wise (I make a bow here). Glad you like my watercolor! It portrays one of my favorite activities:journaling - I'll probably do a post on that sometime...have a great week!
Bigger wallets can mean having bigger problems and more to lose. We should never assume about anyone. Very interesting observations and I love your pictures..painted and photo. Thanks for coming by to visit and giving me the chance to discover you. : )
You know I love my name, am named after my godmother, named Jeanne (and in French, it is a deivative of John) and Jeannette means little Jeanne :)
thanks you for your kind comments. I went to your blog again, because I wanted to make sure you were you - so what are the ingredients of the "friendship cake" you're writing about - your readers might like to know (I for one, LOL)
Although I don't know any really rich people, I know some who are a lot better off than us, and they're good folk. People are people are people, I guess. Some well-to-doers come from humble beginnings too.
Yes better off...moneywise maybe, but they go through the same family things we do - some things I heard are not pretty :(
Thanks for visitng, hope you'll be back!
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