First they get a shock when hearing that we have to drive 5 1/2 hours, but agree when we show pics and tell that it's really worth the trip. (the whole country of Holland is about a 5 hour drive long, and 2 1/2 hour drive wide :) ).
When the rest of the family ventures out to climb the rocks leading up to the waterfall (Bridal Veil Falls), I look for a good spot to sketch or paint. Since Yosemite National Park is between 4000 and 9000 feet, everything is now covered with snow.

This is my Scribble and Doodle for this week (see Scribble and Doodle Window on the right)
A drawing of sketch in ink is more challenging than a pencil drawing. It is very hard to hide your mistakes. Boundaries or edges cannot be blurred. The use of color to make objects appear closer or further away is lacking. Every stroke has to be precise, otherwise you'll give a confused picture. Viewers "read" paintings like they read text. It needs to have direction, a definite focus, and it needs to make "sense."
My History of Scribbling
After some time my mother caught on (somewhere in my grade school time) that I was doodling and scribbling on every inch of blank paper I could find, such as telephone books, wrapping paper, wall paper. Her solution to control my urge was to give me thick blank note blocs of recycled paper. In my teens my teachers started calling my scribbles art.
One time I was called into the principle's (headmaster) office, and he told me that if I would make some drawings, he would frame them and hang them in the hall. He was one of my favorite teachers, and made learning interesting and fun. So I politely said that I would, but I never thought that they were good enough, even though every year I would win a first or second prize in the local school art competition.
On my art web site www(dot)Stgermainart(dot)com you can read the story of my 20 years hiatus, before I picked up a brush again. It was to try out the watercolor medium, while I was waiting for my dissertation drafts to come in, at the end of my doctoral training. It was not untill 5 years ago that I went beyond finishing one painting a month.
My itch to scribble and doodle returned.
just a doodle or scribble? I'd call it gorgeous!
It looks like it was a very good thing that you picked up that brush again!
Thank you Gary, it's kinda tongue-in-cheek that I call it scribble, cause my mother called it that, but when my teachers in higschool started calling it "art" I realized that it was more valuable than normal doodles.
Hi Patience-please - yes, I'm glad that i finally could see beyond the "hobby-thing!"
Thanks for visiting!
What a great creative girl you are! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Reader Wil, thanks for visiting, and have a great Valentine's Day - not too many chocolates :)-my little secret - the Dutch chocolates are much finer in taste, and I miss them! Also, "gebakjes"- it's not your birthday without "een gebakje."
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