I show you my progress on the triptych that I started last December. Can't promise when this is going to be done. Many symbols in this painting.
I mostly refrain from giving my opinion, so everyone can have their own. :)
I only tell you what some of the objects are. The left person is the rams horn blower. In old times that was their trumpet, their announcement, or wake up call instrument.

This is just a sketch in color - the bare bones. I don't know if I will keep it in the same colors. For the sake of the middle painting, maybe I should, but I still need to make it "my own" style or approach. Of course, one can also not "borrow" (meaning: violate copyright laws) a painting-in-progress. Sorry, in my pic I somehow cut off the bottom part of this painting.
This is the biggest size project I've ever done. The people close to me have suggested to me, one time or another that I should try to paint bigger. As you may see, it is one of my more serious paintings.
I have a pretty high self-esteem, so you won't offend me if you don't like the style or the subject matter of this triptych. Just don't tell me to change my style (I wish I had a smile face here!), because I'm a country(wo)man of Van Gogh and Rembrandt. Mainstream was not in their vocabulary, and I'm beginning to believe that that that is a national characteristic.
You are right not to change your style! You are a true Dutch master! Rembrandt would have been proud of you!
I would keep the third one in the blues - I think they really suit and add an ethereal quality. I look forward to seeing the finished article.
They are just stunning Jeannette! It must be so gratifying to paint like this, you are very talented!
Hi Jeannette,
Your paintings are beautiful. I really like your artwork. Stumbled upon you from a comment on Regina's page. You have some amazing artwork here. Take care and I hope you enjoy your workshop.
This instrument made from a ram horn is called a "shofar" in Hebrew and it has a sort of "weeping" sound. The shofar is used in synagogue services on the Jewish holidays of 'Rosh Hashana'(jewish New Year) and 'Yom Kipur' ( The Day of Atonement).
I love the colours in the above three pictures!
I am by no means a judge of art or paintings Jeanette, but I think this is going to look terrific when finished.
Reader Wil,
thank you for your confidence in me! I'm not quite to the point I would call myself a Dutch master, but I know Rembrandt would have agreed with you on the point of not changing :) thanks for visiting.
Scriptor Senex,
The ultramarine blue is my favorite color right now for my paintings - you could say I have my "blue period" (Picasso as you may know had several color periods)- not that's my intent to copy him by any means! Thank you for sharing your opinion!
Thank you for your kind comment, Carol. Gratifying - yes and no. On one hand, gratifying that at least have some control over my brush. On the other hand, when one is at this level, one is only thinking about reaching for higher, better, more(you may have that about writing). Not in a greedy way, but because you know you haven't come to the end of your ability.
Write Girl,
Nice to meet another writer - they seem to gravitate towards me, and I to them :). Thank you for your kindness, and you are welcome to visit anytime!
Yes I have a friend who is a chiropractor and plays the rams horn - so I heard the sound - I like it, it's different!, and I have been told that you need a lot of "air" to play it. I guess you hold then to the Jewish feasts.I love the Jewish dances.
Thank you for your confidence in me:). I think the ultimate "judge" of paintings are the people, Joan, and not the art critics, because no matter what the latter's opinions are, it is the people who buy the paintings.
Very nice, Jeanette! I like the symbolism in the paintings,too. That sort of thing always intrigues me. I LOVE the sketches that you do before you even start your painting and you might want to pick up a few Prismacolor pencils to doodle with. I have a feeling that you would make a fabulous colored pencil artist. (I DO have to admit that pencil is slow and tedious, but the efforts can be fabulous. Check out cpsa.org)
I like the soft ethereal colours, Jeannette, and the swirling lines of the compositions.
Jeannette, this is a lovely painting!
Thank you for your comments. I am surprized that several have referred to my sketches rather than the painting - that's valuable input for me. Probably would do well with colored pencil, but don't know if I have the patience to make it one of my mediums (I move between oil, watercolor and pastel right now). Have a great week!
Thank you Raph - what you perceived so well was exactly my intention, because one of the things this painting is about, is the changing of seasons. And I am known for the "swirl" as you call it. I really like to focus of your blog.
if you have specific input, go ahead :) thank you for visiting!
Thank you for that comment. I like to raise awareness and questions in my paintings - in a gentle way. Have a great week.
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