"What's up with THAT?", I asked in utter amazement.
While we were waiting for an empty spot in the parking lot, I first saw the trolley. I went out of the car, and shot a pic, before it would take off again.

But then my eye caught....this. The trees all around me were blooming. But that's not possible! It's only the first week of February! "Yup," said the sun, "It is, because I have been shining for a few days."

Having recuperated from this little trauma, we got our stuff out of the car, and started walking. Balboa Park is full of musea, a botanical building, eating places, an artist corner of shops. Along this road are always some musicians, and artists. Occasionally Native American dancers, or jugglers. Children love this walk way, because there is always something fun to see or hear.

A mix of Rococo and Mexican building styles. San Diego is about an hour from the border with Mexico, so there are many Mexican influences. Actually, they were here first, as I was told. Click on pics to see all the details.

This is the fountain area at the end of the walk way. A popular place for visitors to take pics.

People sit, watch and relax.

Hearing about snow and ice storms, about people without electricity trees falling over, I did not have the heart to show you what we saw when we went to San Diego the weekend before Valentine's Day weekend.

Even though it was only the beginning of February, it looked like Spring had arrived in Southern California.
I really love this pot Jeanette. Thos blooms and buildings are terrific. How nice to live in a place where the sun always shines.
MMM...yeah, in the winter it's nice, because it's considered "long" when the sun stays away for a week.In Holland there are on average only 23 days of sun in a whole year!!
But...I do sometimes miss the seasons, especially fall and winter. Still, I can't complain, because I only need to drive 2 hours to the mountains to the snow. Thanks for visiting!!
I would love to see a tree full of whites which is not snow but blossoms. Ought to be beautiful. I don't mind snow, though since I don't have snow here in Malaysia. Anyone wants to send me some snow?
Oh it is all so lovely! And how your trees, laden with their bridal blooms, resemble ours when they bore their beautiful, murderous ice.
cute nice fresh all of them
Paintings painters art history
Thank you for taking us on a virtual trip in spring like surroundings!
Hi Jeannette-
Please drop me a direct note. You can find my email on this page of my website:
So sorry. Will get you in- I promise! (When we said Private Artist Club- we were kidding, huh? LOL)
Vikki North/aka Pub Wench
Blossom, I looked us your blog - quite informational! and have become a follower. You might like my previous post Saturday Ramble about the "lipstickplant" (African plant), and see my slides of Celebrity Collection of flower paintings in January 09 - glad you found me!
it will really happen one day, Patience :) hope it will come soon for you!
Arhagle, I see now that I mispelled your name in your comment to my other post - sorry. Most people who love art, love beauty too! have a nice week.
Reader Wil, you are welcome! I've lived in Holland for these sights not to be a surprize in Feb.!
Vikki, thank you- I will look up your website and go from there!
Beautiful! Spring will be very welcome.
Lovely! We see signs here as well! We ate our lunch at an outdoor cafe!
I can't believe all of the detail work on your photos of the building. Incredible artistry to carve flowers wrapping around the columns from top to bottom. Wonderful photos and I love the blossoms, too.
ooo..ahh.. those pretty white blooms in full glory.. and those buildings.. quite a treat!
I have seen trees like that here too- and not sure if it's the same type, but it always remind me of Sakura. I have seen the other colour versions too here- pink and pale lilac.
I used to think, "i'm going to be quite happy i don't have to work cleaning that !"
I am so envious! The cherry and pear blossoms will be here in about one month!
Indeed, we will all welcome Spring - hope you don't have to wait too long up North! Thanks you for visiting- you are welcome any time!
it is pleasant to be outside, isn't it?
Have a great week!
Every time I see these buildings, I am in awe. In this way, building is an art too. Glad you enjoyed it:).
I might be mistaken, but I thought these were apple blossoms. I never thought about cleaning...maybe because it's a park. Well, some people are earning their wages doing that, I quess :).
last year (Apr.08 - the Mystery of Spring) I did a small pastel of cherry blossoms . They are so beautiful! -and if I recall, we drove by them also in Feb.
Spring comes early in California, but then for the rest of the year it is hot.
Jeannette, your pictures are soo gorgeous! They really make me want to say "spring, hurry up and get here"! We had a blizzard and 8 inches of snow here in central Virginia last Monday, but I think winter is finally done here. I love the flowering trees you captured!
I know what you mean - I am originally from Holland, and Spring comes there mid-April most years, that's why I was so shocked to see this in 1st week of Feb. these blooming trees reminds me on the apple orchard of Van Gogh :)
Hope Spring comes soon to you!
have always heard san diego is a lovely place...it's true!
Ken Mac,
Our favorite place to take the day off and relax! Thank you for your visit!
Ooowww, those trees look so nice, it is cold here I hope spring comes soon.
THese are beautiful photos Jeannette, I loved the detail, they reminded me of the Portuguese churches I saw long ago in Goa, and they were pretty rundown buildings, but had their own crumbling beauty. Thanks for sharing, to see blossom is lovely and we are just seeing the first glimmer of pink cherry blossoms here in Ireland though the weather is still very changeable. I replied to your comment on my (Historic!) post on that post in case you miss it!
Catherine, thanks for alerting me to your answer about the history of the Catholics and Protestants - the violence between the two is just so mind-boggling to me. There must be 2 heavens up there, because I can't see God putting up with our petty nonsense where He lives!!
Catherine, sorry, I got carried away with my opinions instead of responding to what you wrote - Cherry blossoms are beautiful. There is a small pastel of it in my post "the Mystery of Spring" -last year. Portugal is one of the countries I haven't been to yet. It's so fun to talk with others who have traveled a lot!
Thanks Jeannette, always value comments with other perspective, we can get very insular in an island nation - literally and figuratively - and it is good to see another angle, so your comments made me sit down and think to compose a coherent response and condense the complexities of our ancient history into a post-size bite!
I've never been to Portugal either, the churches I saw were built by the Portuguese in Goa in India, which is like a Catholic enclave in the middle of Hindu India today, it only got independence from Portugal in the 60s I think (stand corrected there!) but it is totally Portuguese in culture, food (vindaloo is from there - hot, vinegary fusion curry!) and architecture - very disorientating if like us you are on a great railway trip around India and land in Goa. Well we actually docked there after a slow boat from Bombay! (cheaper than the bus and more interesting - and full of bedbugs which ate us alive!) and it was a great spot, full of ageing hippies who got left behind after the 60s and never left. I was there in 1980 so it is vastly changed now, I believe more touristy and less hippie-ish. Probably lost some charm.
But that life is all for another post! (It stems from my Bangladesh volunteering days!)
I lived in San Diego for about 5-6 years, and I always loved Balboa Park. Whenever I visit, I try to spend a day there.
Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos.
So, what do you consider yourself? Californian, Eastcoast, or...? For the next visit: They now have a ship with the old naval planes on it in the harbor, as a museum -very interesting!
Dispersed through this blog you'll find more pics/paintings of San Diego - I love that city, there's so much to see.
Thanks for visiting - welcome any time.
Hi Lillie,
thanks for visiting- I was on your blog a minute ago - to stitch a rose must be a challenge :)
Actually I'm planning to paint a big strawberry, one of these days.
I like the environmental color of your blog: green in three shades, and also the pictures of the fountains and trees . Great picures!
Thank you for your kind comments. I was just on your blog and I have very pleasant memories of Greece. I think you would like San Diego - it's very Californian. By the way, how did you find me?
What a joy for you to see the blossom after a long cold winter.
Very attractive walk you took, nice fountain and the building too.
Glennis, thank you for your kind comments.It was quite a treat to read the story on your blog of your 12th honeymoon (haha)- visit anytime!
In all truth I can't be sure just how I found , it fills in an afternoon and gives me so much enjoyment discovering so many interesting things.blog! I sometimes just click on Next Blog and end up anywhere or I sometimes click on a name of someone whom has left a comment on a blog I am enjoying.
Glad you enjoyed some of our Langkawi story, it is very long, every story in that blog in fact, and every one is interesting, so much happens to us when we travel, because we truely care about people and their culture, we make an effort to meet the locals and inter act with them.
You can come back and read more when ever you happen to be bored or have time to spare.
By the way I really like that rams horn blower, he looks so Biblical.
I remember family trips to San Diego when I was growing up..these picures you've captured are wonderful! Those blossoms are so lovely! Your camellias are beautiful by the way!
Thanks for stopping by too-
Glennis, I like what you said about traveling - it's the same for me and hubby - we like getting to know the culture and the people, that's why we never go with an group tour - I never can get enough of learning about other people's customs.
Regina, hope those family travels to San Diego were fun! Now our kids are adults themselves we still keep revisting San Diego. Now if where you live was little closer, we would like to visit there too :) Nice of you to visit!
Zonder has some beautiful San Diego beach rentals available to check out for your next holiday http://www.zonder.com/Listings.aspx?loc=San+Diego,+CA
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