A completely different subject is that I like to experiment with the order of the three weekly posts, and do the Scribble Doodle Window at the end of the week, since it seems everyone has more time to read? Or, is it the subject? Well, I'll find out in the coming weeks. Everyone is welcome to give his or her opinion or preference.

I enjoy my eclectic freedom. Like the sky I may change in a second - no limits, no boundaries, no deadlines, no commitments (on the blogs, that is). Just to do whatever I please.
The sky is really beautiful! Thanks for your visit.
Thank you Kat - I got lucky with the sky shots. Elusive may be the accurate word to describe some of my moves. Some friends (not on this blog LOL) have a hard time keeping up with my changes.
Dear Wil,
I consider myself so fortunate to live here with great skies, beautiful weather, and a culture I like for most part.
Insgelijks, mevrouw. (did I spell that correctly?)
Hi Jeannette, I love your evening sky! It is hard to realise it is nice and warm in California, and here in Ireland it is cold and raining today, though by evening it was sunny again, we have such changeable weather, a bit typical of Northern Europe. Thanks for commenting on my last post, I will reply soon on it! By the way I copied your art widget to my blog, so cute!
Skies are beautiful every where, each is different, here in the NY side of New England, overcast will show autumn colors the best. When I was in Colorado on top of the world it seemed, the beautiful clear skies did it for me. In Houston, I always thought the thunderstorms were the most exciting. Thanks for the pictures and yes i do understand or at least the comprehend the freedom you talk of.
Tomorrow "they say" it's going to rain - we'll see:) - it was in the 80ties today. That's the big difference with NW Eur., here the sun is shining 95% of the time, and we are glad when we have enough water, so they don't have to ration it!
that's what widget's are for - I'll also for the easy ones to copy. Sometimes the instructions are like adacadabra to me:)
Talk to you soon!
Haven't been yet to the East Coast and N.E. part of the US. Really want to go to Maine, to paint plein air there (sigh).
You have even more rigor, deadlines in your training and job than I ever had in mine:)
Gorgeous sky shots! Truly.
Thank you Pamela!
Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing your beautiful moments.
Hello Jeanette. I like that!! A person should be free to do excatly as they please with no boundries and hang-ups. t is a great feeling. I love your two sky shots, the colors are beautiful.
But you know Jeanette, for real spectacular skies, you have to be in the Netherlands, although your photographs were very good also.
thanks Joan:) Once you tasted freedom, it becomes even more precious!
(in my first omment I made a typo, so I thought you might not understand which word that it should be LOL)
Yes, so true. It was a happy moment and I was glad I could share it
You are so perceptive!!! You were ahead of me - thank you for pointing that out:)
PLEASE, dear friend, give us some Dutch skies!
Absolutly stunning..this is my favorite time of the day!
Hope everything is fine-
Somehow your other comment got deleted? (I'll look at my other posts)
Thank you - yes, things are great, I just hope to carve out more time for painting by doing my scribble/ddodle at the end of the week. Thanks for asking:)
Hallo Jeannette, thank you for your visit on my blog! I was looking through your last posts now and I liked them very much. The sky photos are overwhelming! Really great!
Have a nice week and Happy Easter,
regards, Maria.
Thank you too!Thanks for sharing about the Easter-egg market. I have never seen anything like it in Eur. or here! So that was very interesting.
Saw on your profile pic that you do law - here are so many occupations in law. Two of my friends teach law, a couple are corporate lawyers, etc. So, what is your daily work?
Gorgeous sky...love these and the freedom in your words...and I {sigh} aaaaahhhhh :o)
thanks! And...but I had to wait about 25 years before I could write this. With kids and job taking most of my time and energy - don't worry, the time will come for you too:) And by that time you may not like what that freedom exactly means!!
"No limits, no boundaries, no deadlines, no commitments (on the blogs, that is)." I like that, I say go for it. Beautiful photos!
Fantastic skies,
as if painted by some Italian renaissance master!
Thank you, my friend in no commitments, no bounderies - a new found freedowm when kids have grown up- LOL
Thank you, and since I don't paint in that style, but do love to look at it, I was excited to take this pic! Thank you for your blog, reminding me of all the wonderful experiences I had in Europe!
Ah yes, when the kids have grown up ;) Thanks for pointing me back in this direction to your comment answering my own. I do enjoy my visits here. Once again, Happy Easter.
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