
To live and enjoy every day to its fullest, use my gifts to help others, I travel to wherever passion finds me.

What Will She Paint?

So many friends I met here...!

Friday, April 10, 2009


A re post of of a poem I once made about an awful deed on a black Friday. But it turned out later that it was a GOOD Friday.
For the good of all mankind, that is.

Looming in the distance
a cross
lightning crackling through a blood red sky
a curtain tearing
searing the silence of that agonizing sight
with swollen eyes he looked at me
"It's for you",
so you won't be punished for your wrongs",
with broken voice
right before his cry echoed through the hills
"It is finished."

But wait! Who put Him there?

Was it not I who
betrayed him
for some shiny dollars?
was it not because of me
that his back was whipped?
Was it not I
who washed my hands
as if I was innocent
of his blood?
But now it was too late.
All hope is gone
if ONLY I had...

But time passed
on the third day after
in the distance I hear
his friends shouting
"it's really true. He's alive."
A new hope arose
and will stay with me forever.
Never to forget "it's for me",
that horrible afternoon.

by Jeannette St.Germain

Some think this story is a myth. Others think it is true. When this is truth, it would change your life, wouldn't it?


Elizabeth said...

A lovely poem!
Happy Easter to you and your family.

Elizabeth said...

a lovely poem

Jeannette StG said...

Thank you, Elizabeth. wishing you a memorable Easter weekend.

Jeannette StG said...

Good Friday is still an unerving day, especially when I paint about the subject- the cross is such an incomprehensible act.
I am thankful for my gift, and sometimes I say to Him, "Pleeease, also give me the gift of business - don't want to end up like Vincent van Gogh (selling only one painting in his life, but now has a 3-story museum just for his paintings!!!But that came AFTER his life). Sorry, I'm answering questions you didn't ask:)

The Weaver of Grass said...

A Happy Easter Day to you - I like the poem - in these days when so few people think about the real meaning of Good Friday it is good to read something like this.

Jeannette StG said...

Weaver of Grass,
A happy Easter to you too.
My reasoning is that we couldn't have Easter, if we first didn't have Good Friday. It may be "forgotten" because it once was such an agonizing and aweful day - people like to forget about things that are uncomfortable!!

Unknown said...

A wonderful poem Jennette and a lovely painting to accompany it!

Happy Easter to you and your family.

Unknown said...

Same celebration next week from the orthodox Christians around you. Have a blessed day.
The painting I have done to commemorate some ones passing always end up being a celebration of their life.
It something good to remember even remembering this event!

Jeannette StG said...

Thank you and wishing you a memorable Easter too. Haven't read up yet on your son, but hope he is okay now!

Jeannette StG said...

Thank you - I probably have forgotten in a seek, so I wish you a blessed day when you celebrate the resurrection.
I heartily concur! We remember someone's life, because we believe death has been conquered. You know the blog "the Egypt experience" (welcome to get her blog off of my blogroll on the right) - she did a whole post on it because she works fo the Coptic church in Egypt.

Robyn Kadis said...

Hi Jeanette, thanks to stopping by my blog and for the mention here on your comments... Hope you have a wonderful blessed Easter. The poem is lovely and the painting too, double dose of talent handed out to you. God bless...

DeniseinVA said...

A wonderful post, thank you and Happy Easter!

Carol Murdock said...

Jeanette......thank you for the lovely poem and painting honoring
the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour! A Blessed and Happy Easter to you!

Ruth said...

Thanks for sharing from your heart. The poem is so true as is our hope in the risen Christ. A blessed Easter to you.

Jeannette StG said...

sorry, I meant in a Week...:)

Jeannette StG said...

You're welcome, I thought it was a good post:) Wishing you a great weekend, and in a week (as I am forgetful) a blessed resurrection day!

Jeannette StG said...

Thank you - have a blessed weekend. I always think it should be a bigger holy-day than Christmas, because of His incredible sacrifice.

Jeannette StG said...

To say with Paul, "if I would win any..." this would my nitch to do it in! Have a blessed weekend!

Jeannette StG said...

Happy Easter to you and your family!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

It is such a special day in so many ways.

Love the painting and poem Jeanette.

Take care and enjoy your celebrations and weekend.

Bernie has just sent me the most wonderful idea about starting an on-line magazine!! For the first time in ages I am excited about something.

Irene said...

I'm not a believer like you, Jeannette, but your poem was well done and well written. Not at all over sentimental and too pious. Just very straight forward.

Happy Easter. Enjoy your eggs.

Reader Wil said...

Thank you for the wonderful poem, which is so true and breathes your faith in the new life. The painting is great! Thanks for sharing. I wish you "gezegende paasdagen". I have the Mattheus Passion also on video, so if you want one. I can send it to you.

Jeannette StG said...

thank you Joan. The oldeer we become the more inward the celebrations, rather than events. Which is fine with me.
I think Bernie has a splendid idea. Hope this will be the spark to get your fire going!

Jeannette StG said...

I treasure that compliment, Irene. Being pious or sentimental has nothing to do with my faith, but some people make it that, unfortunately!
Have a good Easter Sunday.

Jeannette StG said...

Reader Wil,
Sent you an email about this. You are so kind:) My life is enriched with friends like you. Een gezegend Pasen toegewenst!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

A great poem and painting!

Thanks for passing by!

Happy Easter!



Jeannette StG said...

Thank you, Rosa. I must be forgetful - don't remember I was at your blog, come from Geneva, and I loved that city when we were there for a week's vacation. I am a Dutchman living in Los Angeles.

Anonymous said...

I love the image of the torn curtain through the work. A great Easter poem too.

Jeannette StG said...

I am so glad you looked. It's kind of an expressionistic painting.
I am glad for the one you posted (and I love it, a very creative angle on the story of the cross), because I know that what I do, is too "heavy" or serious for some:) Glad I found you, and thank you for visiting me:)