
To live and enjoy every day to its fullest, use my gifts to help others, I travel to wherever passion finds me.

What Will She Paint?

So many friends I met here...!

Friday, February 03, 2012


For Watery Wednesday
For Midweek Blues 

Still in San Diego, see last post about Red Roof,
we walked back from taking some pics of blooming cherry trees, 
close to the water features in Balboa Park. 
Like there is a "play on words," me thinks this is also "a play on images"!
This must be a dream for you who are still in the midst of snow,
to see blossoms in January!
The breeze has blown the white petals of the cherry trees reflected here, 
into the water!



beagleAnnie said...

You've already enjoyed cherry blossoms in San Diego! Love flowing petals. Thank you, Jeannette.

Hootin Anni said...

San Diego....I love the city. We've been there quite often. The charm, the location, and the whole ambiance of the city is inviting!!!

Love the red roof image below this post also. You painted that? Wow....I'm so impressed. I love to paint and sketch myself [I have an easel on my sidebar with links to some of my work] ---this is one awesome work of art!!!

Leovi said...

Fabulous, really spectacular reflection, pure poetry, beautiful colors.

Suburban Girl said...

A beautiful reflection. I love cherry blossoms!

Dianne said...

the petals on the water are so pretty!

genie said...

What beautiful blue water, and the reflections in it are lovely. Love the petals floating in the water. So pretty. genie

Stephanie V said...

Very nice reflection/water photo. It's almost pointillist in style.

Jeannette StG said...

They are the first blooming trees in the year, here -that I know of. And they're so gorgeous!

I used to paint in my teen years like that -even though I mostly paint with oil in another style now, I thought to myself, why not?
Sorry, I never "saw" what exactly on your side bar, so one of these days, I will!

You've said it well -pure poetry!

At first it didn't even dawn on me that it might be a good pic for Midweek Blues:)

And so romantic:):)

Thank you, when I saw the reflection, I knew how good it would look on my blog:)

NitWit1 said...

Very interesting picture with both reflection and real petals in one photo. Love it.

Jessica said...

I love cherry blossoms! Nice reflections too. :) thanks for sharing :)

Tina´s PicStory said...

great shot! :)

Birgitta said...

Such interesting and great photo!

Jeannette StG said...

As soon as I caught the same as you did, I thought what an interesting pic it would make!

Island Rambles,
Thank you, and I'm rooting for Spring too!

For many other parts of the US and the world, it seems unreal to have blossoms in January, that's why I like the reflection part -as in a dream!

Thanks so much, Friend:)

Thank you, Birgitta! This was taken last week:) (I know it's unreal, while you are still in the midst of winter!

~Chris said...

This is so pretty! In the small photo on the Sky Watch page, the water framed by the blossoms looks like a heart!
*happy weekend*

Maria said...

Hi! Ooops... I didn't realize my husband was still signed in ... the comment about the heart shape was mine, Maria!

Jeannette StG said...

I'm answering in the next reply:)

thank you Maria -I totally overlooked the heart shape -so I'll connect with Clytie for next week:)

Thank you so much, and also for visiting here!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Nice reflection in the water.

Regards and best wishes

Ingrid said...

That's a very beautiful reflection !

Ebie said...

The petals looked like snow flurries. What a great capture!

Laura said...

lovely reflections!

Jonah, said...

A great reflection. I'm here from Scenic Sunday.