
To live and enjoy every day to its fullest, use my gifts to help others, I travel to wherever passion finds me.

What Will She Paint?

So many friends I met here...!

Wednesday, June 06, 2012


For Alphabe - C
For Black and White Wednesday
For This or That
For Weekend Reflection 
For Pink Saturday

A cumulation of stuff  
Looks like someone's living on the porch
a Bougainvilla  softens the clutter
 in one of the very old Mission towns in California.
You would not believe, that on the backside of this
is a restaurant .
The large patio was packed with people eating!

It has an air of nostalgia,
short of hoarding (in my humble opinion)
The mystery for me is
if the restaurant does so well
why they don't hire someone
to clean up their stuff?

the above was all in jest:)
 this rendition is like a faded memory
of fond times gone by
What is yours?



Unknown said...

Weird, huh? Cool photo though. Thanks for linking up and remember to tell your friends to vote on facebook this weekend!

Good luck!

Cathy said...

Maybe that's why the restaurant is so successful. People feel at home. ;)

Fun60 said...

I loved the picture of that boat. I wonder what adventures it has seen.

Lmkazmierczak said...

I like the contrasts between the two man's junk is another's treasure♫

Judie said...

Why?? Because it makes for a good post!!!

Stephanie V said...

I love the porch surrounded by flowers. Just b/w makes it all so mysterious. The flowers become like white stars.

Clytie said...

It took me a minute to notice the "stuff" ... I was totally transported by the beautiful trees surrounding the rustic looking building!!!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Beautiful photos!
To answer your questions about my spicy Thai noodles, I don't know if they are called pad thai and it's salty soy sauce (never heard of sweet!)Thanks for stopping over!!


Bethany said...

Beautiful shot!

storybeader said...

how interesting the colors looks in your faded photo. I must say, I like the two colored images better than the B&W. But that might all have to do with nature subjects. I haven't seen bougainvilla for such a long time. Beautiful! {:-Deb

Gerald (SK14) said...

an interesting series of shots.

This is Belgium said...

Jeannette, thanks for finding this is Belgium and allowing me to discover mysteries in daily life !
greetings from brussels

Jeannette StG said...

Was my first time visiting your lovely meme! Have a great weekend!

Good point, Cathy!(smile) Have a wonderful weekend!

It is a great porch -an extra room, no doubt. (later added) the red flowers are the bougainvilla, when I realized my bloggiefriends couldn't see it.

Me thinks that's the mystery of that little boat! Have a great weekend, full of adventure:)

Sorry, I keep messing up your name! So true! I think you would make good money doing a garage sale. (Are you American -if you don't know what that is, I'll explain)

You crack me up, Judie! I think people would love you as an art teacher, because you have so much humor! Have you ever tried it?

As always you have a very observant eye! Does that have to do with your work?? Have a wonderful weekend:)

The flowers are the bougainvilla. If it weren't for those, the stuff would have been more obvious:) Hey, great to see you back here! Hugs.

Our life in a click,
Thanks for dropping by here. The sweet soy sauce is used for Indonesian cooking, and the salty in other Asian countries:)

You have much photographic talent, Bethany! Thanks for stopping by here.

Deb (Storybeader),
The faded foto is treated with "diffuse glow" in photoshop. Thank you - the bougainvilla is a very common plant here, in hedges and people's yards.

Thanks Gerald, and also for visiting here!

Reader Wil said...

Mooie serie foto's, Jeannette.

Margaret Gosden said...

Great series of three to reflect upon!

LadyD Piano said...

Really enjoyed your post. For some reason, the place looks very familiar. Perhaps folks just feel comfortable with all the clutter. Most importantly, hope the food is good. Great photos!

Clara said...

I could do without the clutter but I like the Bougainvilla. Have a nice weekend.

LV said...

You did a very nice job with the "C" today.

Chubskulit Rose said...


My PINK, have a nice weekend.

Carletta said...

I like the rustic cluttered feel - homey for sure as someone stated!
Have a wonderful weekend!

lotusleaf said...

I think the clutter makes people feel at home too.

Ingrid said...

It looks really nice to me, with these red flowers around. As long as the kitchen is clean for the restaurant, the clutter doesn't matter, gives even a romantic touch !

Anonymous said...

Very cool porch to hang out in!

Ellie said...

I think it made a lovely picture - those flowers are lovely.
Many thanks for your visit and comment on my blog - I really appreciate it :))

Jeannette StG said...

Reader Wil,
Dank je wel, Wil! Een fijne zondag toegewenst:)

Margaret Gosden2,
Thank you! Some pics just lend itself to that naturally, don't you think? Thanks for your visit here!

Lady D.,
You probably have seen it, since you live close by:) It's in the historic part of Capistrano.

You are right, bougainvilla are so pretty.You and I are similar about clutter:) Thanks for stopping by here!

Thank you LV, and also for visiting me here!

Glad you like it. I almost walked by, because where all the people were, was on the backside.

Enjoy your weekend too!It would be okay livingoin the county side, without noise or traffic. In the midst of town though, it feels crowded to me.

Undoubtedly! Otherwise the restaurant wouldn't be so busy.

What you bring up, that is what I was thinking about the kitchen!!

Where you live, people live inside, because of the weather. Here though, we live more outside than inside, so this porch is like a room.

Without the flowers, there's only clutter! When I comment, it means that I like it:):) Thanks for stopping by here as well!

anitamombanita said...

ah bougainvillea...there's something so romantic about it. :)

Betsy Grant said...

As always your photos are lovely. I like the wild overgrown look of this porch.

Jenny said...

I am always puzzled by this, too.

It reminds me of the TV show about hoarders...and I always wonder what's hiding in there.

This was a neat look at the letter "C".

I enjoyed your take on this.

Thanks for sharing it.


Unknown said...

Sorry for the LATE reply!
i agree - they have a romantic cast, even when they're cut to hedges!

You're so kind!I already went to your blog, but forgot if I clicked the follow button, so I'll visit again soon. Thank you for visiting here!

It's a picture of my mind "sometimes!" My friends tell me that I roll from one project into the other!

I'm not immaculate by any means, but I have noticed I have more "room" to start another project (painting) when I my house is clean:)

H said...

Beautiful Bougainvillea! Your photo makes the place look really attractive.

Follygirl said...

Thank you for visiting! The same to me... too much projekts!!!
Have a nice weekend!

Unknown said...

Perhaps they attach their selves to their clutter. I find myself very attached to some of my "treasures" but gladly part with any of it, when one of my children find a need or liking for it. lol