
To live and enjoy every day to its fullest, use my gifts to help others, I travel to wherever passion finds me.

What Will She Paint?

So many friends I met here...!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Easy does it today, because it's pouring rain and I'll like to paint. You don't have to use the time-consuming lasagna noodles, boiling them one by one. What I use for this recipe are the 1-inch-wide noodles (and it's available, no yolk wide noodles).

Click on the flag of your own country (translator is the little window BELOW the picture of the little girl, with all the flags on the right) to translate the recipe in your own language, if you like.

Ingredients serve approx. 4 people. With a salad and dessert, it's a complete meal.

24 oz. (one inch) Flat Wide Noodles

Tomato Sauce
2-3 lb. hamburger meat
1 tsp. garlic (1 clove)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. oregano
8 oz. tomato sauce

Sour Cream Mix
1 small onion, cubed
3 1/2 oz. cream cheese, softened
8 oz. of sour cream

On Top
1-2 cups grated Cheddar cheese

Read it through before you start :)

1)Spray or butter a 13 x 9 inch baking pan

2) Boil noodles as directed, and drain. I use about 4-6 oz. per person.

3) Brown hamburger meat in skillet, drain, and add spices. When meat is browned, add tomato sauce (some like to add more tomato sauce). Simmer for a few minutes, and set aside.

4) In separate bowl, mix cream cheese, sour cream an onions. If needed add a Tablesp. of milk to make mix easier to spread

LAYER in 13 x 9 baking pan
On bottom of pan: half of noodles
on top of the noodles: half of meat/sauce mix
on top of meat/sauce mix: sour cream mix
Repeat these 3 layers.
On top, sprinkle Cheddar cheese

Bake uncovered in preheated 350 degrees Fahrenheit oven for 35-40 min. Approximately 175 degrees Centigrade

I try to use a minimum of salt. This dish tends to get saltier, the longer you have it in the oven. The same for use of tomato sauce and garlic. Experiment with how much of the spices suits your fancy.
A tip for people who are allergic to onions: I put the onions on one half of the mix, and mark with a tooth pick where i put it in the dish
Very easy to make the day ahead, or to double or triple this recipe for a party.

Bon Appetit. Have a wonderful meal!


Reader Wil said...

I do the same like you do: cook an easy meal every now and then. And I cook for several days and take one meal and put the rest in the deep freeze.

Reader Wil said...

I often do the same: make myself an easy meal, and even cook three or four meals at the same time. I store them in the deep freeze.

Gary's third pottery blog said...


Jeannette StG said...

To Reader Wil,
Hooray for EASY, more things to do than cooking!

Jeannette StG said...

to Gary,
Well said, this is also one of the favorites of my kids for their parties!

SILVER said...

i like simple ..this is good. i can do this!

i saw your message in my word press blog on all things OLD- history, law, art, antique furniture mostly.. maybe.. bones.. hehe

i was pretty frustrated when i first tried over there bcos the commands/instructions and buttons were a lot different. But give it a couple of trial and error- and clumps of hair pulled out, it will be a breeze like blogger.

is there any specific problem that you are encountering there? I haven't been working much on that- i have 4 blogs.. (..i know- i have got to get a life!)



Maria Verivaki said...

we make a similar dish in crete - it's called pastitsio, and the only difference is in the pasta shapes, otherwise, pastitsio is pretty much the greek lasagne - perfect meal for comforting yourself in cold weather

Jeannette StG said...

Silver, you'll like this lasagna dish. After making it a few times, you won't even need the recipe, once you have memorized the 3 layers! Please, give me a few days to come back to you with some specific questions about wordpress - thanks for visiting my blog!

Jeannette StG said...

Medit. Kiwi - yes, this recipe is indeed a comfort in cold days! Am glad i finally realized how I could follow your blog. Thanks for visiting me!
P.S. Do you have an eggplant recipe? I only have one, and I would like some other recipes with eggplant - thanks.

Jeannette StG said...

thank you for following my blog. I have to admit that I'm too impatient for the "normal" lasagna, that's why I love this "fast" version. Yes, I will return! (to your blog, that is)

Catherine said...

I am intrigued by the reference to noodles 1" wide, I always use sheets of dried pasta for lasagne in my own variations of lasagne, which for ease I use a basic bolognese sauce which I make with tomatoes (canned, chopped or fresh) and tomato puree with garlic, herbs and chopped onions, fried bacon bits if not vegetarian and the mince (ground) beef. And I sometimes cheat and buy sauces which aren't bad - dolmio or roma brands are pretty ok for fast food here in ireland! These pasta sheets are dry and you just layer them up with the sauce and top everything with the cheese sauce, and bake. It is really fast! More cultural lessons for me!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

This looks delicious, and the wonderful thing about's even better the next day!

neetzy said...


The dish sounds great. I usually use ricotta cheese in lasagna. I've never tried it with cream cheese.

More importantly I love your art. The watercolor of the camelias is amazing. I also love your scribbles of the bridalveil falls. I went to Yosemite once about 22 years ago. I'd love to visit again with my kids. My brother lives in the Santa Cruz area.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back anytime. Abstraction is completely new to me. I just thought I'd take a class in it for fun. Check out my more "realistic" paintings when you have a minute or two to spare.

Jeannette StG said...

the 1 inch wide noodles is about half of the width of the usual lasagna noodles - everything that is "pasta" we also call "noodles" here in the USA -probably the influence of all the Asians living here :)
they are uncooked, so in the USA one needs to put them for 7-10 min. in boiling water.
Of course, one can buy the "refridgerated pasta" that is already cooked, but that is very expensive. Hope this makes sense?

By the way, what is "golden syrup" for your recipe of cookies? In the US we have maple syrup (mostly used for pancakes) or corn syrup, used for baking.Looked at the label, it says "refiner's syrup" - so what do you suggest for your cookies? talk2yousoon, jeannette

Jeannette StG said...

Pamela, true, that's why I never get to taste it the 2nd day, because my hubby takes it to work as his lunch! (it's okay with me, he does physically hard work - it's probably not the right expression, but you know what I mean :) )

Jeannette StG said...

I completely forgot, that is another reason why I like this lasagna, because I don't like ricotta cheese LOL -

glad you like my watercolor-Camelias.
Did I tell you about my art website? - it's listed here on the right side with "My favorite Links" - click on it, and it will take you right there
www(dot)stgermainart(dot)com - the paintings under the heading "revelation" (on top) are my actual style
Yes, I'll go to your blog to see you more realistic paintings - so happy I found you, because art is my life!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Hmmm!! Looks delicious Jeanette. I must say I am quite partial to pasta myself.

Jeannette StG said...

Thank you Joan - if it was up to me, we ate paste every day - mm, well not quite - i take that back - every other day then :)
thanks for visiting!

Lillie said...

Thanks for the delicious meal :D

Jeannette StG said...

I'm glad you like it, Lillie - thanks for the comment!

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Oh Yummy!
Lasgne is a big favorite in our household and I love it.
That variation sounds delish!

Jeannette StG said...

for Country Cupcakes, and easy my dear - without ricotta cheese - enjoy!