
To live and enjoy every day to its fullest, use my gifts to help others, I travel to wherever passion finds me.

What Will She Paint?

So many friends I met here...!

Friday, May 07, 2010


When accompanying hubby to a business meeting, I see the most beautiful sunrises

Do you see the street lantern is still on?
When coming back, each goes his and her own way for the day. I am invariable very hungry, after getting up so early. I am one who craves food when tired.

On one of those colder bleak, or gray days, I just rather have hot pancakes than cold cereal, don't you? Whipping up this whole grain pancake mix (Trader Joe) makes it easy and healthy!
 When I discovered this whole grain pancake mix from Trader Joe, I found my soul mate!

Once you get used to a whole grain flavor, you know that you also get more fiber, and a more nutritious, more filling and actually more tasty breakfast. My personal favorite is to add slices of bananas and a few chocolate chips. So that dark edge is not burned, but is chocolate:)

Since my job involves thinking and finding solutions and strategies for people, things go smoother when I have something beautiful to look at. Then in my free time, I have this bouquet as a reason to paint! Left this pic on purpose somewhat dark, to bring out the mysterious side of these irises. 

One thing that disturbs me is that people in this neighborhood avoid looking at you when they pass. They seldom crack a smile. I know some do it as a crime prevention measure. But still, it make me slightly sad when people think one has to go through life, always being on the alert that one doesn't get robbed of mugged. Nevertheless, I have adjusted when I'm running errands - am I looking serious enough for you?

Very unromantic I spend  a great deal of my time on getting art supplies at various stores. 
Wish I could bike as in the olden days. But there would have to be some padding on the saddle, because these tires do not have rubber on them!

©  24 x 36 Oil, St.Germain

And on one fine day this Spring , where we ran into an incredible sale of 24 x 36 inch  (big) canvases, where I saved $10 per canvas. You do the math : I bought ten canvases, so that's10x 10! Hubby talked me into it - it did not take him long to convince me:) This is my first painting on one of these. Not bad, eh? (painting is still in progress, so the finished product may look different) 

My progress as a painter would not be complete if I did not journal regularly as part of my day about the colors, design, and the more technical/theoretical side of art.The day that I stop advancing in my art, is the day I start regressing...!

I adore this little dish with the two humming birds hubby brought from his week's stay in England. The couple with whom hubby stayed with gave him this little treasure. A piece of dangerously sweet Rocky Road fudge to close this delicious day.


Lorenzo — Alchemist's Pillow said...

Nice, Jeannette, from the phantom street light (I only spotted it after clicking to enlarge) to the flowers all the way to the painting in progress and to fudge (which I assume will have a very short life span). And if you don't get a smile on that bicycle, the problem definitely rests with the neighbors, not with you!

CorvusCorax12 said...

hose pancakes look delicious and i absolutely love the colours in the paintings.

Rudee said...

Well it would seem that along with your art, chocolate is a recurring theme. I don't think you can ever go wrong with that combination.

Love TJ's pancake mix.

Stephanie V said...

I am one of those people who always smiles at passers-by. I do get some odd looks but more often I get a smile back. I do occasionally remember the advice not to make eye contact but by then it's usually too late.

ayamlin said...

I love pancakes, too:)
I like eating it with much butter and maple syrup!

Your favorite dish looks like Japanese dishes. it's very beautiful!

Jeannette StG said...

thanks for your encouragement! I guess you can see me on that bike, huh? (in Holland that was my only form of transportation for a long time!)

Thank you, the basic colors that make this painting are cadmium deep red hue Naples yellow, dioxazine purple and Cerulean blue

nothing passes you by (smile)-you know me well...!

Of course it depends on where you live, but right now I live in the middle of the L.A. basin, so there are lots of people living on top of each other here.
It's kinda hard to smile and NOT look at people LOL

Jeannette StG said...

Oh, you have a sweet tooth:) A little tiny butter for me is enough, because the chocolate and the bananas are sweet. Do the Japanese have some kind of pancake?

Rosie said...

What an interesting post about your day. The sunrise photo is wonderful and your pancakes look so tasty. It is sad that people don't communicate so much nowadays. We find when we are out on country walks most people do nod and say good morning as they pass only a few look down at the ground or straight ahead. The blue of those Iris is amazing:)

Midwest to Midlands said...

Busy, interesting, colorful and something good to eat too. I would love those pancakes.

Betsy Grant said...

Thanks for reminding me about wholewheat pancakes. I love those, but haven't had them in awhile. I love your painting shown here Jeanette.

Jeannette StG said...

Thank you, Rosie! Where you live, it's the same as here -in the country people are much friendlier. Of course a criminal is much easier caught too:)
Yes, these irises were beautiful.

Thank you! Maybe you can start up a Trader Joe in the UK:) Did you know that store in the US? Most things they have there are organic, but very tasty.

Do they have Trader Joe where you live -that's where the mix comes from. There is flour in so many things we eat, that it really makes a difference. Glad you enjoyed the painting!

Anya said...

De pannekoek ziet er heerlijk uit!!

Een Iris is mijn lievelingsbloem
omdat hij zo mooi kobalt blauw is :)))

Fijn weekend
groetjes Anya :)

Dick said...

Hey Jeannette

Die Irissen zien er heel mooi uit, blauw is m'n lievelingskleur, hahaha, misschien wist je niet dat mannen dat ook hebben.
De panne(n)koek is volgens mij ook heel lekker, ik dacht dat ze in de USA alleen maar van zoete pannekoeken houden maar misschien is deze ook wel zoet!!!!!!!!!

Nou als ik je zó tegenkom dan groet ik niet hoor.

Grappige fiets.

penny said...

I enjoyed the beautiful sunrise and now you have managed to make me hungry for pancakes :)

Jeannette StG said...

Ja, dat is ook mijn lievelingskleur om the schildren:) Hoop dat je een fijne modersdag hebt gehad!
De groeten terug:)

Sommige mannen -mijn hubby heeft geen voorkeur in kleuren LOL.
Nee, tegenwoordig hebben ze ook "health food" winkels hier. Het meel (mis) van deze pannekoek is niet zoet, maar the chocolade chips zijn wel zoet!
van je norse landgenoot!

Thank you, Pam! As long as it is hungry for healthy (!) pan cakes:)

Zuzana said...

That pancake looks so yummy, I think i might very well make myself some this weekend.;))

Jeannette StG said...

Do they have whole grain mixes in Denmark, or would you have to make it from scratch? But either way, it will be delicious!:)